Thursday, September 11, 2008

en mi coche

i fly down the fucking freeway until i see electronic signs suggesting i:
"save fuel. save lives. slow down."
i contemplate my pace... is it really that fast?
i flirt with the idea of slowing down... should i step on the brakes?
although i continue on with my "dangerous" speed, i realize the only thing that got me to consider lowering my mph was not all the lives i might save...but the price of gas.
pretty fucked up.
those signs should read: "save fuel. save INNOCENT IRAQI lives. slow down."
i think its time to buy a hybrid.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

further and further

he was an abstraction. a disappointing distraction.
i've gotten further from him than he can ever get from me.

"you simply occupied an obscure corner of my heart.
and whenever i recall my love for you,
it is tainted with deep sorrow and pitch-black memories."

-from a book whose name escapes me. but i think i liked it.